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Game Description


Avoid beasts as you attempt to survive for as many days as possible. Eat food, drink water, and stay warm.

Game Developer: GameDistribution

CraftMine Review

Pixel Queen
Pixel Queen


Balanced Survival Adventure in CraftMine


Diving into CraftMine feels like embarking on a familiar yet fresh survival journey reminiscent of 2D Minecraft-style adventures. With a core objective to avoid beasts while aiming to survive the shifting days, there’s a palpable blend of tension and strategy. Eating, drinking, and ensuring warmth become a delicate dance intertwined with the critical task of mining elements and crafting them into useful items like spikes and swords.

The appeal of CraftMine lies in its exploration of a vast island and the continuous cycle of collecting materials to unlock new objects, which keeps the play interesting ... Yet, sometimes that sense of achievement may be blemished by glitches where crafted items don't yield expected results, or progress seems transient.

Nevertheless, it resonates with the survivalists' community, with players noting the challenge of managing resources among the ever-present threats. CraftMine does well to simulate a survival experience that is engaging, if not without its occasional frustrations.

Review 339 - CraftMine

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